A Month of Row House Design: Kelly Mckenna

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ABA's month of Row House Design continues with Kelly McKenna who's design showcases how urban architecture can address climate challenges while creating beautiful, livable spaces.

Kelly's Statement:

The vision for my home arose from a deep desire to better connect the built and natural environment using passive and active strategies to create a socially and ecologically friendly row house. I chose to prioritize daylighting by including large expanses of glazing, while maintaining privacy through the incorporation of a frit pattern. The addition of a green roof helps to lower the temperature of the homes as well, reducing energy consumption. Along a similar train of thought, I have incorporated solar panel cladding into my home as well, imagining the street facing west to assist with solar gain. By bringing my solar panel clad trellis to the streetscape, I not only shade the units and the pedestrians, but also provide a learning opportunity for anyone passing by. Finally, as California seems to be going through a never-ending drought, I have incorporated a rudimentary rainwater collection system into the building through the shape of the roof shading system. I chose to create a collage to represent my row house, layering textures from nature, such as clouds, the ocean, and dappled sunlight.

Posted February 24, 2025

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