To celebrate ABA's 40th anniversary, we invited our team members to design a unique row house façade. Each day, we'll showcase a different perspective from our talented staff. Krista Nelson's design showcases how personal passions can influence architecture while maintaining constructability and neighborhood cohesion. It's a perfect balance of form, function, and feline fun!
Krista's Statement:
My inspiration comes from two places – my travels and my home. One of my favorite places was Amsterdam and the old canal houses with a modern infill. Sometimes the new house would take advantage of the development in structural systems and materials. The windows could become significantly larger while maintaining similar proportions or strong datum lines to tie into the existing fabric.
My role at ABA is helping figure out how to make the design real so that it’s constructable, affordable and meet codes. That shows in the design of my rowhouse. My cats bring laughter and whimsy to my home and the same to my row house. Their oversize scale repesents their personality and impact on my home. If I was ever able to design and build my own home, catification would be a major design element. I would love to expand beyond the shelves and cat trees in my current home to create a full kitty highway with tunnels through the walls, climbing features and an outdoor catio. It would allow all for all sorts of cat antics while meeting my design aesthetic.