Jason Hull

Jason Hull AIA, LEED AP

Associate Principal | Practice Leader

In his role as project manager, project architect, and sometimes both, Jason is unafraid of infusing an idealistic perspective into his project’s creative and technical solutions. Recalling his desire to make a positive difference in people’s lives as a key reason for becoming a designer and architect, he aligns with IDEO founder David Kelley’s conviction that “The main tenet of design thinking is empathy for the people you’re trying to design for. Leadership is exactly the same thing – building empathy for the people that you’re entrusted to help.” It is therefore with an ethos of empathy, collaboration, and inclusive partnership that he guides teams in creating built environments that express the perspective of the people who will ultimately use them –demonstrated, for example, by community and educational projects such as the new El Gabilan Library for the City of Salinas and a new Math & Science Building for Santa Catalina School.


To celebrate the firm's 40th anniversary, staff were challenged to share their imagination and design thinking by creating a row house concept. Here is Jason's.


See and be seen. Eyes on the world. Eyes on you. Transparency in all its glory with nowhere to hide. The confidence it takes to be seen and see openly is startling and admirable.